How Do I Purchase a Gift Subscription?
Thinking of a gift idea for a friend or family member? Or want to support a podcaster on Supercast even more than you currently do?
We've got you covered...Supercast gives you the ability to purchase a subscription as a gift for another person.
Note: Only available for podcasters using our All-in plan.
How Does It Work?
1. Go to the podcaster's landing page.
For example:
2. Click Gift a Subscription.
3. Select the plan you'd like to gift.
4. Select how you'd like to send the subscription:
5. Enter the following:
- The recipient's email
- Your message
- Your payment info and email.
6. Once you purchase the gift:
- The gift recipient will receive an email asking them to activate their subscription.
- You will receive an email receipt.
6. At the end of the gift period, the recipient will be asked if they'd like to reactivate their subscription.