How to Integrate Supercast with ActiveCampaign

As a creator, you may already use an ActiveCampaign account to send newsletters and manage your audience. Or perhaps you don't have an ActiveCampaign account yet, but you think it's a good idea to create one soon.

In either case, this article explains how you can use Zapier to integrate Supercast with ActiveCampaign to automatically add new subscribers to your ActiveCampaign list.

Before we proceed, please ensure you have the following accounts set up:

Steps to Add a New Supercast Member to ActiveCampaign:

1. Accept Supercast's public Zapier invite.

2. Within Zapier, create a new zap.

create zap button

3. Under the trigger, select the latest Supercast version as the app, and "New Subscriber" as the Trigger Event.

new subscriber option

4. Connect your Supercast account by clicking "Connect a new account". This will open a new pop-up window, where you will need to enter your Supercast channel's subdomain. 

For example, if your Supercast landing page is, enter "demo".

connect new account

5. Preview the data fields Zapier intends to gather from Supercast. 

zapier data fields

If you don't have a subscriber yet, these will be blank. In this case, you might want to re-run this step after adding a test subscriber in Supercast. You can do this by going to your Supercast dashboard > Subscriptions > Add Subscriber (top right-hand corner).

6. Click Continue.

7. Under Action, select ActiveCampaign as the app, and "Create/Update Contact" as the Action Event.

Active Campaign option8. This will open a pop-up window asking you to enter the API info of your ActiveCampaign account. You can find this info in ActiveCampaign by going to Settings > Developer.

allow zapier access screenshot

9. Click Continue.

create Active Campaign Contact

10. Under "Set up action", make the following entries:

  • List: Select either "Master Contact List" or a specific list for your Supercast members.
  • ID: You may leave this field blank.
  • Email Address: Select the Email field.
  • First Name: Select the First Name field.
  • Last Name: Select the Last Name field.
  • Full Name: You may leave this field blank.
  • Phone Number: You may leave this field blank.
  • Tags: You may leave this field blank.
  • Organization Name: You may leave this field blank.

Zapier Settings

Zapier SettingsZapier Settings11. Click Continue.

12. Test the Zap, and when confident, turn on the Zap.

Success! New Supercast members will now automatically be added to your ActiveCampaign!

Please Note: At this stage, ActiveCampaign does not have a Zapier action to unsubscribe a member from a list. This means that if a Supercast member cancels, there is no way to automatically remove this person from Active Campaign using Zapier.