Setting Up Dynamic Episodes

Up until now, the way content appears on a Supercast private feed has worked in a similar way to public RSS feeds. Same content in the same order, for everyone.

No personalization.

No customization.

Not even a ‘welcome’.

It’s just straight to episode #225 like everyone else.

Well… let’s change that.

With Personalized Episodes, Supercast now gives creators the ability to trigger a special episode in a subscriber's feed at key moments - like welcoming a new member, celebrating a year of support, or resolving a failed charge on an account.

This article will cover:

How to Set Up a New Member Welcome Episode

Once you have recorded a welcome episode that your new members will see first when they subscribe to your premium feed:

1. From your dashboard, click on  Personalized Episodes.

Supercast Personalized Episodes options

2. Click  Create a new personalized message under the New Member Welcome sub-heading.

New Member Welcome Options

3. Fill in the episode's details and upload the audio file (as you would for any typical episode).

4. Click on Create Episode.

5. Activate the toggle to publish the episode. The episode will now be displayed at the top of a new subscriber's feed when they first subscribe.

Toggle Button

How to Set Up an Anniversary Episode

Once you have recorded an episode to be sent to subscribers a selected number of days or months after sign up:

1. From your dashboard, click on  Personalized Episodes.

Personalized Episodes Dashobard

2. Click  Create a new personalized message under the New Member Welcome sub-heading, or on Add New if you have already added a Welcome Message.

Add new button

3. Fill in the episode's details and upload the audio file (as you would for any typical episode).

4. Click on  Create Episode.

5. Click on Immediately and select the number of days or months after sign-up you'd like to trigger the episode to members.

Immediately Send Option

6. Activate the  toggle to publish the episode. The episode will now be displayed on a subscriber's feed at your pre-selected number of days or months after the subscriber signs up.

on off toggle button

How to Set Up a Payment Issue Episode

Once you have recorded an episode that gently reminds subscribers with a payment issue to check their account:

1. From your dashboard, click on  Personalized Episodes.

Supercast Personalized Options

2. Click Create a new personalized message under the Payment Issue sub-heading.

Create a personalized message

3. Fill in the episode's details and upload the audio file (as you would for any typical episode). In this episode's description, we recommend directing subscribers to this Knowledge Base article, which outlines how they can log into their Supercast account and update their payment card.

NOTE: Supercast also sends emails to subscribers with a failed payment, inviting them to update their card. This episode aims to complement the email notification channel.

4. Click on  Create Episode.

5. Activate the toggle to publish the episode. This episode will be displayed in the feed of a subscriber who runs into a payment issue.

Supercast Personalized Episodes Options

How to Set Up a Member Unsubscribed Episode

Once you have recorded an episode to leave a message to members who have unsubscribed:

1. From your dashboard, click on  Personalized Episodes.

Supercast Personalized Episodes dashboard

2. Click  Create a new personalized message under the Member Unsubscribed sub-heading.

Supercast Personalized message Options3. Fill in the episode's details and upload the audio file (as you would for any typical episode). 

NOTE: In this episode's description,  we recommend directing subscribers to an exit survey (such as a Google Form or Typeform), where you can collect feedback and the reason for the cancellation.

4. Click on  Create Episode.

5. Activate the  toggle to publish the episode. This episode will be displayed in the feed of a member who unsubscribes.

Supercast Personalized Episodes toggle button