Uploading an Episode

So, you've finished setting up your own personal Supercast account. Congrats! You're now ready to release your content to the world! 

If you don't want to  publish right away, create a draft to prep for the episode's future release.

Just want to mirror your free podcast's episodes into your Supercast account? Try out our RSS Mirroring.

Want to  trigger a special episode in a subscriber's feed at key moments? Add a Personalized Episode.

This article will cover the following:

Publishing an Episode

If you've recorded an episode of your podcast and you want to release it ASAP:

1. Navigate to  Episodes > New Episode. The "New Episode" button is found in the top-right corner under your user icon as seen below.

new episode button

2. Fill out the informational fields on the form that will appear. The only required fields to publish are a title and an audio file. We recommend adding as much information as possible for the benefit of your listeners. You can highlight this episode on your landing page by checking the "Featured" box at the bottom of the page.

featured episode option

3. Upload the episode as an audio file. 

Note: Only aac, m4a, mp3, mpeg, ogg, and x-ms-wma files are supported.

4. Proceed to the next screen by clicking Publish / Schedule, or come back to the episode later by clicking Save as draft.

5. Choose whether you would like to publish the episode immediately or schedule it. 

6. If you'd like to send subscribers an episode notification email, checkmark 'Email Subscribers when the episode is published'.

5) You can choose to customize the message of your email. Otherwise, the episode's description will pre-populate in the textbox by default.

6) Click  Publish Episode.

You're done! Your episode will now either be published or scheduled for publication at your selected date.

Note: If you would like to adjust your publication date/time you can go into the episode and select the
"Publish" button to bring you back to the date selection interface. 
You will be able to publish immediately, or set a new date and time with the calendar picker.

Saving Drafts for Future Episodes

If you aren't ready to publish yet, follow these steps to create an episode draft:

1. Complete the first three steps of "Publishing an Episode" above. 

Note: A draft can be created without uploading an audio file, so the third step is optional.

2. By either leaving "Published On" blank or scheduling the date in the future, the episode will be saved as a draft as seen below.

Publish Episode dashboard

3. The draft can be viewed under "Episodes" and edited at any time. When ready to publish, attach the audio file if you haven't already and select "Publish" in the  top-right corner

publish now, later, schedule button

Mirror Your Free Podcast

To learn how to sync the episodes of your free podcast with Supercast, check out this article.

Add a Personalized Episode

To learn how to trigger a special episode in a subscriber's feed at key moments (such as a New Member Welcome episode, a Payment Issue episode, or a Member Cancelled episode), check out this article.