Creating Plans and Bundles

A listener plan or bundle lets you decide how much subscribers pay, and how often, to subscribe to your premium content.

This article will cover the following:

If you would like to run a promotion on any of your plans or bundles, check out:

How to Create a Plan (Single channels only)

Single channels are podcasts that only use one feed. When you have figured out what type of content you want to distribute, how much you want to charge for it, and that you want to bill subscribers monthly:

1. Navigate to Plans > You'll see two options which are New Public Plan or New Unlisted Plan.

2. Create a  Name for your plan and a brief description of what a listener gets for subscribing to it. 

3. Choose your Plan Type. For a recurring subscription, you can choose if you only want this for monthly, yearly, or both.

4. After setting your price, you can also enable the additional levels for extra support from your subscribers.

5. If you want to offer a free or discounted  trial for your plan:

  • Select your trial type (either for "X number of days", "until a fixed date", or "until the start of the following month")
  • Enter the period and or price

Note: You're unable to set a trial for one-time plans.

6. Click Save Plan and you're done!

How to Create a Bundle (Networks only)

Networks are podcasts that use multiple feeds. If you manage a network account and would like to create a bundle that gives those subscribers access to multiple podcasts, the difference with the process is you'll see an additional option to  Show this plan on individual podcast Sign-up Pages.

After going through the process of creating a plan, you'll see an option below to choose the feeds that you would like to include in this network plan then click Save Plan.

How to Edit the Price of a Plan or Bundle

Once you've created a plan or bundle, you're unable to edit the price. 

Instead, here's how you can easily create a new plan or bundle at your new price:

1. Select your  plan or bundle.

2. Click Create a copy.

3. Edit the price of your plan or bundle

4. Click Save Plan.

5. Return to your older plan and click Archive.

Archiving a plan or bundle will remove it from your landing page. It will not affect the subscription or billing cycle of any subscriber already signed up for that plan or bundle.

How to Delete a Plan or Bundle

Although you can't delete a plan or bundle, you can Archive it. This is to prevent any negative effects of the billing cycles of subscribers who are already on the plan. Archiving a plan or bundle will remove it from your landing page. It will not affect the subscription or billing cycle of any subscriber already signed up for that plan or bundle.

To archive:

1. Select the  plan or bundle.

2. Click Archive.

If you'd like to restore an archived plan or bundle to your landing page:

1. Select the  plan or bundle.

2. Click  Restore.